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Top Rated East Los Angeles Chiropractor

Bienvenido a lo mejor

Atención quiropráctica en Los Ángeles

En Spectrum Medical Group creemos que nuestra atención compasiva y experta le brindará una experiencia beneficiosa y gratificante para que finalmente pueda despertarse y disfrutar de un día sin dolor.

Queremos que sea lo más fácil posible para ayudarlo a lograr su salud óptima.


Trato individual

Tecnología de vanguardia

Personal talentoso


Quiropráctico Los Ángeles, Especialista Premier en Dolor de Rodilla, Clínica de Medicina Regenerativa y Fisioterapia

¿Sufre de dolor crónico o agudo?
Ayudamos a las personas a ser más activas y móviles, vivir libres de analgésicos para que pueda vivir la vida que se merece.


Cuidado quiropráctico


Descompresión espinal no quirúrgica


Plasma rico en plaquetas


Alivio del dolor con láser




Especialista en dolor de rodilla Los Ángeles


Terapia física


Lo que dicen los pacientes sobre nosotros

Todos en Spectrum Medical Group fueron maravillosos conmigo. Todos fueron muy amables y serviciales. El tratamiento de la rodilla funcionó muy bien. Tengo menos dolor y puedo caminar más rápido. Gracias Dr. Nia.

Judith Morgan

Spectrum Medical Group in Los Angeles

Spectrum Medical Group would like to take this opportunity to extend a warm welcome to you. Spectrum Medical Group is confident that you will have a positive and pleasant experience thanks to our compassionate and knowledgeable staff.


One of our top priorities is helping you reach your health goals in the easiest way possible. You'll discover a wealth of information here, from the nuts and bolts of our business (such as hours and payment procedures) to the finer points of our healthcare and cutting edge of medical technology, such as:

* Chiropractic Care

* Weight Loss / HCG Diet

* Physical Therapy

* Knee Pain

* Sports Injuries

* Headaches / Migraines

* Platelet Rich Plasma

* Neuropathy

* Non-surgical Spinal Decompression

* Laser Therapy


Our staff includes certified physical therapists, Chiropractors, pain management specialists, and orthopedic surgeons who are all experts in their fields and can help you find relief from your discomfort. To become certified, one must complete extensive post-graduate education in pain treatment. All of our efforts are directed at finding the most efficient and long-lasting solution to your discomfort.

Personalized Treatment

At our practice, you are more than just a medical record; you are a member of our extended medical family. Each patient receives a one-of-a-kind, specifically tailored treatment plan from us, ensuring they receive the best outcomes possible. If you have knee pain, I guarantee you will feel better after just two visits, or I will not take you on as a patient.


State-Of-The-Art Equipment

Because we are always focused on providing the highest quality care for our patients, we are committed to staying on the cutting edge of pain management technology, both in terms of the tools we use and the research we conduct.


Our technological advancements have resulted in many benefits for our clients, including quicker diagnosis that is more accurate and more comfortable therapy.


We provide cutting-edge M6 Laser treatment that is fast, effective, and does not involve invasive pain management procedures. (The only office within a radius of 25 miles that possesses such technology.)


High-caliber Staff

Our alternatives for pain management treatment are relatively meaningless if we do not have knowledgeable and trained personnel to deliver them. Thus, we are proud of our staff's professionalism and courtesy.


Our staff members hold various qualifications, and they regularly participate in ongoing training and education to continue honing and expanding their repertoire of skills.


In addition to being client-focused, we put in a lot of effort to ensure that you are relaxed both at our office and at your home. Our staff members can communicate well in Farsi, Spanish, and English.


Our Doctors


Dr. Amin Nia

Dr. Amin Nia, who also serves as the company's CEO, established Spectrum Medical Group. He attended the Southern California University of Health Sciences and received his degree in 1991. Over the past two decades, he has worked exclusively in private practice.


He has substantial expertise and experience building and operating multi-specialty medical clinics that combine the best medical specialties for patient convenience.


He also has a wealth of experience in diagnosing, treating, and managing patients who have suffered industrial injuries. He has post-graduate certificates in both manipulations under anesthesia and spinal biomechanics.


Dr. Nia is a member of the California Chiropractic Association and the American Chiropractic Association.


Dr. Arien David Green, D.O.

Dr. Green first became interested in the human musculoskeletal system during his time as a San Diego State University student, where he majored in biomechanics and kinesiology.


Following that, he enrolled in the osteopathic medical program at the Arizona College of Osteopathic Medicine, where he furthered his understanding of musculoskeletal conditions.


He finished his physical medicine and rehabilitation residency at Loma Linda University Medical Center following medical school. This training focused on restoring function and treating disabled patients.


His approach is now geared around enhancing his patients' quality of life by reducing their pain and increasing their levels of function. He developed a knee osteoarthritis treatment that combines joint lubrication, injections, and physical therapy.


He has used his method for several years to treat many patients with arthritis in the knees. He has assisted many of these patients in enhancing their quality of life by reducing their level of discomfort and improving their mobility and functioning. In most cases, the patients can avoid or delay the necessity of knee replacement surgery.


The Services We Offer


Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic manipulation is safe, gentle, and helpful for ankle, knee, hip, wrist, elbow, shoulder, lower back, mid-back, and neck disorders. Manipulation restores healthy function to the muscles and bones, especially spine joints, allowing your nervous system to function without interruption, regulate bodily functions, and support optimal health.


Knee Pain Specialist

In the Los Angeles area, Spectrum Medical Group provides patients with cutting-edge treatment options for knee pain. The FDA has approved this breakthrough treatment for knee pain after extensive research and testing. This high-tech treatment is for those who think surgery, food supplements, and medication isn't the answer to relieve their pain.


What exactly is the mechanism behind this treatment?

Medical professionals can use ultrasound technology to pinpoint the exact location of the issue. Then, an injectable Visco supplement is administered. This injection decreases pain and inflammation by naturally lubricating joints. The process is as straightforward as administering a vaccination.


When will I start to feel the differences?

Within weeks, most people feel better and can enjoy their daily activities.


Physical Therapy

Spectrum Medical Group uses a multi-modal pain treatment approach with physicians and physical therapists. Our team approach diagnoses and treats your immediate pain, then uses suitable therapies to prevent it from recurring while restoring your functionality.



Calmare® is a successful treatment that does not require surgery and does not involve narcotics. It is employed all over the world, including in some of the most renowned medical facilities and hospitals in the nation and abroad, as well as in military hospitals. We are pleased to be able to provide the same neuropathy solution that has assisted a great number of people in regaining control of their life.


Laser Therapy Class IV

Spectrum Medical Group believes in an integrated treatment process to tackle the various aspects that affect a person's ability to lessen pain, rebuild, recover, and enjoy life again. Experience our powerful laser therapy!


It's ideal for healing and pain alleviation without the adverse effects of drug interactions, invasive surgery, or other medical procedures. It helps with acute and chronic diseases, as well as the pain that comes after surgery. Instantaneous sensations of pain alleviation can be achieved. Furthermore, most treatments take no longer than ten minutes to complete.


We offer the most recent and cutting-edge techniques for alleviating pain, including cutting-edge Class IV Laser Therapy. Our brand-new Laser Therapy Class IV efficiently treats our patients who suffer from the following conditions:


  • Knee Pain

  • Carpal Tunnel

  • Back Pain

  • Neck Pain

  • Headaches

  • Arthritis

  • Surgical Recovery

Nuestros últimos artículos


Cómo puedes curarte a ti mismo

¿Se despierta todos los días y se levanta rodando de la cama, en lugar de sentarse como solía hacerlo? ¿Tiene dolor en las articulaciones y la espalda?


El dolor de espalda es el peor tipo de dolor. Tiende a aparecer y desaparecer, puede aparecer de nuevo en cualquier momento (especialmente si gira en sentido contrario o se mueve).


Especialista en rodilla Los Ángeles Cómo la terapia con células madre puede ayudar con el dolor de rodilla Hemos escuchado toda esta charla sobre la terapia con células madre que es el milagro


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Quiropráctico altamente calificado en Los Ángeles, California

Spectrum Medical Group is located on 5211 E Washington Blvd #18, Los Angeles.

Spectrum Medical Group está ubicado en 5211 E Washington Blvd # 18, Los Ángeles . Desde el Aeropuerto Internacional de Los Ángeles (LAX) diríjase hacia el oeste por W Century Blvd hacia Vicksburg Ave y gire a la izquierda en S Sepulveda Blvd. Luego use los 2 carriles de la derecha para tomar la rampa hacia la I-105 E para incorporarse a la I-105 E. Luego, use los 2 carriles de la derecha para tomar la salida 13 e incorporarse a la I-710 N hacia Pasadena y tomar la salida 17A hacia Atlantic Blvd N hacia Bandini Blvd E para incorporarse a S Atlantic Blvd. Después de eso, continúe recto para permanecer en S Atlantic Blvd. Finalmente, gire a la derecha en Jillson St y Spectrum Medical Group estará a su izquierda.

Estamos abiertos de lunes a martes de 8 a. M. A 5 p. M., De miércoles a jueves de 8 a. M. A 8 p. M., Viernes de 8 a. M. A 2 p. M., Sábados y domingos: cerrado.

Si tiene preguntas adicionales, puede llamarnos al (323) 606-7679 o puede encontrarnos en Yelp .

We Love East Los Angeles

East Los Angeles, one of the most historic and vibrant regions of L.A., has a cultural lineage that can be found in its community, shops, and businesses. No stranger to change, this neighborhood has been the subject of contemporary transition that improves the local's quality of life yet still protects and stands on its dynamic traditions and history. Quietly flaunting some of the best restaurants, landmark locations, and budding businesses, East Los Angeles is fundamental to Los Angeles' heritage. Here are the not-to-be-missed experiences and must-visit places in East L.A.

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6 Places To Visit in East Los Angeles

Chicano Resource Center

4837 E 3rd St, Los Angeles, CA 90022

(323) 264-0155

Established in 1976, Chicano Resource Center offers free public information and resources about the community of Mexican-American including the group's history and culture. This ethnic resource center's multimedia collection covers subjects such as the Chicano Movement, immigration, the history of Mexico, folklore, mural art, and biographies. The collection is consist of microforms, audio CDs, videos, journals, subject notebooks, online databases, and books. Highlights contain microfilm of Southwestern newspapers and periodicals from the 1600s, Chicano Movement's periodicals including Aztlan, La Raza, and Con Safos, political posters, pamphlets, and more.


Mariachi Plaza

1817 E 1st St, Los Angeles, CA 90033

Located in the historic Boyle Heights neighborhood, Mariachi Plaza is a gathering place for various occasions and is dedicated to the mariachis of the area. The place celebrates the living and historic heritage of the mariachi musicians who have come together since the 1930s in their sophisticated charro suits ready to be employed to play for community events, restaurants, and private parties. Mariachi Plaza hosts events like exhibits, book signings, lectures, and the Mariachi Plaza Festival. On Sundays and Fridays, live musicians and vendors assemble for an open-air market. Other attractions nearby include the recently restored Boyle Hotel and the Libros Schmibros Lending Library.


El Tepeyac Cafe

812 N. Evergreen Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90033

(323) 268-1960

El Tepeyac Cafe, opened in 1955, serves one of the best burritos in Los Angeles. The family-run, modest eatery embodies the amazing things of the Eastside-friendliness, simplicity, and community. The seating and decor are intimate, close, and unpretentious. The owner of the restaurant, Manuel, is a local legend famed for his personality and hospitality. El Tepeyac has been featured on Travel Channel, Man v. Food, Food Network, and more. Must-try dishes include Manuel's Special Burrito, Hollenbeck de Machaca, Kiko Special, Educado Burrito, Okie Burrito, and Huevos Rancheros.


Otomisan Restaurant

2506 E 1st St, Los Angeles, CA 90033

(323) 526-1150

The last Japanese restaurant in the neighborhood of historic Boyle Heights. Otomisan restaurant is the home of Japanese homestyle cooking in the area since 1956. The dishes Otomisan serves are inventive but familiar, simple yet uniformly excellent. At this restaurant, diners get to enjoy authentic Japanese dishes and witness its history at the same time. Though you come for their delicious fare, you will surely stay for a warming, unique, and colorful ambiance.


Eastside Luv

1835 E 1st St, Los Angeles, CA 90033

(323) 262-7442

Eastside Luv Wine Bar and Quest, steps away from the popular Mariachi Plaza, is the first poncho bar of its kind and celebrates the culture and uniqueness of Mexican-American with a contemporary twist. This neighborhood staple is known for the astonishing mariachi mural by Robert Vargas, a native of Boyle Heights, which attracts patrons and tourists from the outside. ESL serves some of the best 50 proof coctails, micheladas, wine, beer, and sangrias in Los Angeles. Furthermore, Eastside Luv proudly brings the best local musicians, comedians, poets, dancers, and artists. Visit and experience their popular theme nights such as MariachiOke, MorrisseyOke, SelenaOke, and JuangaOke.


Vincent Price Art Museum

1301 Avenida Cesar Chavez, Monterey Park, CA 91754

(323) 265-8841

Vincent Price and his wife, Mary Grant, donated pieces from their personal collection to establish the first teaching art collection in 1957 at a community college. Over the years, the museum's collection has grown to over 9,000 objects and 100 shows. The electric and impressive range of collections includes European, Native American, African, and Mesoamerican artworks. Today, Vincent Price Art Museum is abode to seven art galleries that accommodate permanent collection shows, temporary rotating exhibits, community and artist projects, and student shows. It also features a designated vault for Thomas Silliman's permanent collection and a multimedia lecture hall. The museum's current permanent collection includes ancient civilization artworks from South and Central America, Pre-Columbian ceramics, Contemporary Art, and more.


Queremos que sea lo más fácil posible para ayudarlo a lograr su salud óptima.


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¡Gracias por enviarnos!


Teléfono: (323) 606-7679


Lunes a viernes 8:00

am - 5:00 pm

Sabado domingo



5211 E. Washington #

18 Los Ángeles, CA


© 2021 - Spectrum Medical Group, Inc. | Especialista en dolor de rodilla en Los Ángeles, CA
Marketing por invigoMEDIA - Expertos en crecimiento de prácticas

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